Lesson plan app for mac and ios
Lesson plan app for mac and ios

lesson plan app for mac and ios

I was really caught up in all of it but then I remember what about the students who are in school now? I’ve seen way to many high school students who can’t tell time or read past a 2nd grade level. It was so good to read so many optimistic believes about the future of education.

lesson plan app for mac and ios

Research-based site makes it easy to differentiate instruction and readings.Įducators can make multimedia lessons with engaging but not-so-interactive style.Ī wonderful management tool that helps teachers plan communicate with students.ĭid we miss anything? If so, tell us in the comments below. Well-designed Common Core-aligned lessons. Peerless Common Core-aligned lessons for educators who are serious about their craft.Īmazing lesson planning that is aligned with Common Core and promotes collaboration.įree lesson planning resources for teachers of the language arts and reading.Ī teacher’s resource for reading-comprehension resources. This was originally a list of 10, but 2 had to be retired, as they are no longer available. We created a list of 10 the best lesson planning tools and apps for teachers. To help teachers be more productive and spend less time developing plans, we decided to do the heavy lifting for them. The internet has made so many other professions more efficient – shouldn’t teaching benefit too? We agree. Creating these plans is simply part of the job and should never be outsourced.Įven if teachers spend just a few hours per week on lesson plans, that is a few hours that educators could feasibly be doing something else. Critics of this type of planning cite ethical issues, saying that a teachers’ lesson plans should always be original.

lesson plan app for mac and ios

This shortcut can be as simple as finding an in-class activity idea on Pinterest or as complex as downloading a grading period’s worth of grade-appropriate lessons. The most obvious way that teachers avoid the traditional lesson planning concept is by finding ideas, or even entire plans, online.


Before entering a classroom, young educators are taught how to meticulously plan their time for the benefit of their students. Creating and writing lesson plans are activities common to basic teacher education courses.

Lesson plan app for mac and ios